These songs came to me due to the horrific events in Ukraine. The songs are about hope, respect for the victims, memories of them
and the courage of the Ukrainians.
Five songs are published on an album:
1. Your Man
2. I felt like a Hero
3. Black Tulip
4. Moonchildvoice
5. Hopes
On the website you will find a link to the album and links to the Aid Organisations: Røde Kors, Red Cross Ukraine and Bevar Ukraine.
Russia's attack on Ukraine is shocking and not understandible. The songs are my way of processing the shock. The lyrical and musical processing has helped me to realize the full and terrible extent of what war means.
I hope the songs can give you something , whether it's similar to to my need to understand or something else.
For those who have been killed during the war or have lost a child or a spouse, the situation is definitive. I try, with the greatest possible humility, to show respect for the victims and to remember them. The songs are about hope, respect for the victims, memories of them and courage of the Ukrainians.
About the songs:
Your Man is a song about the wife of a soldier, when she gets the shocking news about the death of her husband.
It is sung by Mai Schyth; with her very expressive vocal. A choir sings their support. Henrik Bojsen on tenor sax and Gorm Øland on guitar
provide support.
Moonchildvoice is about a child and her mother. This is a song that came out of just one of these many tragedies. A girl was killed on a walk with her mother. The mother was seriously injured. Bibbi Jacosen sings the voice of the child with her fantastic expressive voice and empathic understanding. She does her best to leave a loving memory in the night sky, although she realizes that a moonchild can never shine like a sunchild.
Black Tulip has its background in the reality, to violent to believe.
I felt like a Hero is the voice af a dying Ukrainian soldier, sung by Jens Ottosen. His moving voice and the heroic solo, played by Henrik Skriver show the courage and determination that characterize the struggle of Ukranian soldiers.
Hopes expresses our hope that Ukraine once again will become a free country. Now and in the future there will be a need to show respect and to remember. The singers are Bibbi Jacobsen and Jens Ottosen.
Gorm Øland paints intuitively, and the cover for Songs for Ukraine shows his non-figurative painting. The mood I find in Gorms painting supports
the lyrics of the songs and the emotions expressed by the music.
Bibbi Jacobsen, Mai Schyth and Jens Ottosen: Vocals
Henrik Bojsen: Tenor Sax
Henrik Skriver: Guitar and bass
Gorm Øland: Guitar, bass
Kirsten Falkum: keyboard
Frank Thøgersen: drums, percussion
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